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Protected Sharing

Page history last edited by George Fletcher 15 years, 10 months ago

One feature I have wished for on the web for quite some time is the ability to securely share family photos with my extended family and close friends. Currently, all photo sharing sites (that I’ve been able to find) require all parties to have an account at that photo sharing site in order to securely share the photos. Note that I don’t want the current solution of “security-by-obsecurity” where a big random URL is created and emailed to the group.

I think we can build a much better sharing environment using existing and emerging specifications like OpenID, OAuth, Portable Contacts and XRDS-Simple. Here is a use case and one way it could work.

I have an account at flickr and I create an album (flickr set) that I want to share with my extended family. Previously, I’ve associated my flickr account with my plaxo account (using OAuth) to enable flickr to access my contacts (via “Portable Contacts”). Flickr needs to use XRDS-Simple to find my “portable contacts” service and OAuth discovery to set up the connection between the two services.

  1. I tell flickr I want the new album (“Family photos”) protected and shared only with those people in my contacts lists that are labeled as “Family”.
  2. Flickr marks the album as “protected” and remembers that those allowed to view the album are anyone who is a member of my “Family” tag at my “Portable Contacts” service.
  3. I send out an email to my family members sending them the direct URL to the protected resource (note that flickr could also do this for me since it has a connection to my portable contacts service).
  4. A family member receives the email and clicks the URL to the protected album at flickr
  5. Flickr recognizes this is a protected resource and returns both the OAuth information for how to access the protected resource as well as HTML telling the user that the resource is protected and the user needs to authenticate
  6. The family member logs into flickr using their OpenID (not currently supported)
  7. Flickr takes the OpenID and asks my “Portable Contacts” service whether this OpenID has a tag of “Family” (basically a membership query; see previous post)
  8. If the user's OpenID is a contact with a tag of “Family” then they get access to the album, otherwise they are denied

What’s currently missing to make this a reality are...

  • Relying parties accepting OpenIDs
  • Users knowing they have an OpenID and using them
  • Portable Contacts adding “membership” type APIs

For live code see David Recordon's summary of the Portable Contacts hackathon held September 10, 2008. The following quote shows this is very near reality, Yeah!


Brian Ellin of JanRain has successfully combined OpenID, XRDS-Simple, OAuth, and the Portable Contacts API to start showing how each of these building blocks should come together. Upon visiting his demo site he logs in using his OpenID. From there, the site discovers that Plaxo hosts his address book and requests access to it via OAuth. Finishing the flow, his demo site uses the Portable Contacts API to access information about his contacts directly from Plaxo. End to end, login with an OpenID and finish by giving the site access to your address book without having to fork over your password.


Used with permission: Protected Sharing on the Open Web

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