
As a project focused on distributed social activity and serving, over time, a diverse audience, DiSo needs all kind of help to make this idea into a reality, and one that is relevant, sustainable and first class.

With that in mind, we solicit participants who can code, who can think, who can blog, read, research, screenshot, document, write, design, architect and educate to help us.

  1. Get familiar. Start by reviewing the microformats process, as it greatly informs our own, and will often be referred to in this work.
  2. Contribute to this wiki adding links that demonstrate key concepts, links to arguments for/against various topics, etc.
  3. Write code. Just like a picture is worth a thousand words, a demo is worth closer to a million. It's one thing to brainstorm ideas, another to show. We prefer emphasis on the latter as much as possible.
  4. Research. Speaking of pictures, go out an explore existing behavior and implementations in social networks in the wild and document what you like and don't like or just how other sites do things. DiSo isn't necessarily about inventing anything new, but learning from the best that's out there and making a high quality distributed, open source version. If you use Flickr, feel free to contribute your photos (under CC license ideally!) to the DiSo Group.
  5. Design. We need DiSo to be as good if not better than what you can get with your standard silo network! If you can design, we need your help! Post mockups and share them on Flickr or blog about them, tagged with "diso".
  6. Blog and share your story. If you've got ideas, hopes or done some work in this area, talk about it and then tell the group! It's better to have independent blogs talking about these subjects, helping to disseminate the word, than to have everything get locked up in the mailing list or this wiki!
  7. Install or adopt. If writing code isn't your thing but you have access to a WordPress or DiSo-compatible platform, the best thing you can do is get your site to work with other DiSo sites by adopting the technology that comes out of our work. Typically that will mean adding support for OpenID, microformats, OAuth or any of the plugins or other recommendations that we come up with.

There are certainly more tasks that need doing, like tweaking the wiki or just generally talking to folks about what they think and identifying opportunities for investigation, but this list should get you started and help you focus your energies.

And of course, if you have a suggestion, feel free to add it here or grab a corner of the wiki that interests you and start filling it up with what seems useful. We use the microformats page-naming convention of <topic>, <topic>-brainstorming, <topic>-examples, etc -- see the hcard page for examples.

Also, review the roadmap and see if something jumps out at you. If so, start a page for it, or email the list, or write a blog post... You get the idea. :-)