

Page history last edited by Terrell Russell 14 years, 11 months ago

Current work

Martin Atkins and Dave Recordon have two draft specs available:

This work is being discussed on the mailing list.


Three specific components were identified at IIW2008b which will need to be addressed:

  • schema - most activity metadata can be expressed in existing feed formats (RSS and Atom).  We need to define a common schema for expressing those additional pieces which are missing.
  • data flow - How is the data transmitted from the producer to the consumer?  Push, pull, "tickler" (ala gnip)?
  • connection initiation - a user should be able to initiate the connection from the producer to the consumer from either end.  This will likely require some kind of advertised "registration service" implemented by one or both parties

Additionally, activity aggregators will likely need to address:

  • duplicate activities - as a activities are consumed and re-published or published from multiple sources (think ping.fm), aggregators will likely want to remove these duplicates
  • related activities - if an activity is in response to another activity, or is otherwise related, need this be expressed?
  • grouped activities - if multiple actors performed the same activity on the same object, or if one actor performed an activity on multiple objects (eg. uploaded multiple photos), it may be desirable to group these activities together



  • Activity Streams presented at Facebook in Jan '09 by Chris Messina.
  • Activity Streams presented at the Learn about the Open Stack meetup in Dec '08 by Chris Messina.

See Also


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