

Page history last edited by Will Norris 6 years, 3 months ago Saved with comment

On Upcoming


Citizen Space

425 2nd St

San Francisco, CA


tantek, mtrichardson, will norris, jonathan dugan, ben metcalfe, simon (six apart)

by phone: 8bitkid


The goal of this meeting is to continue the work done at the last meetup, where we will continue the work to design a format for communicating activities performed by users across different sites, and begin to spec out an interoperable protocol for sharing activities between Drupal and WordPress sites.


Scope of the effort... 

  • drupal - wordpress - MT --> build by Dec 12
  • interop between agreggators
  • reusing xrds-simple types for verbs
  • a spec that could be used for opensocial

Based on ATOM

Make use Media Types/MIME

CRUD for verbs?


User-agent problem? (i.e. matching on arbitrary strings)


Activity Types vs templates


facebook sizes... small, medium, large


multiple direct/indirect objects


deduping -- "somebody tweeted this", as well as complete object


dugan: 1 or more actors... 0/1 direct object, 0/1 indirect object


merging same activities across different actors: "chris, job and bob downloaded Transformers, The Matrix and Wedding Planner."


privacy issues with merging activities


err on the side of atomic activities


separate aggregation from data streams that people are using and resharing




attending events... 


activity streams attached to both actors and to objects


templates... would encode verbs/location


separate model from view


actor --> points to profile

direct object --> point back to originating service

permalink to for activities?


call to action... "add your [service name ID]" -- mybloglog




best practices -- use microformats


expiry, synchronization? 


story sizes... versioning...?


revoking an activity?


XRDS-Simple types for small medium large -- just different types rather than different sizes of the activity...


music, video, blog posts, tweets, 


URL template for different representations of an object...


each type specifies the different sizes


action/activity streams for DiSo


subscribing to external type templates


dugan presented activity streams rails plugin to rails meetup...


merging objects/activities...


link-ref; in-reference-to in ATOM... "rel=ref"


an aggregated lifestream feed could be out of scope... 


close to real-time web...


fetching passed events...??


...pass on the GUID?


recommendation that people should follow ATOM spec... and that activities must have GUIDs... 


there is a type that aggregators can offer like "merged-type"...


Audio recording of the event. 

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